What was the weirdest thing someone said to you while they were drunk or high?

  1. Had a buddy say to me “You know im not gay but ive thought about fucking you in the ass”

  2. Actually it was not to me but to a potato while he was squatting in the kitchen. Saying… “You are famous man! You are in toy story 3!”

    Found it funny to share

  3. I made food for this girl when she was drunk and she was being super awkward about the sexual tension between us. She gagged on her chopsticks and she was like “Omg it went down my throat, haha.”

    It was kinda cringe but super cute that she was trying to be sexual but didn’t really know how to.

  4. No clue! But the people ive talked to while drunk could literally fill this thread in 10 seconds!

  5. “You are like the big brother I never had.”

    –Woman I was dating in my late twenties, after she had her third jumbo Margarita. It certainly explained why we always had so much fun together but she never wanted to have sex with me.

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