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  1. I stopped by the original KFC restaurant operated by colonel Sanders himself in a middle of nowhere town named Corbin, Kentucky. I have to say it’s the cleanest looking KFC I’ve been to, but their chicken is still shit. Colonel Sanders himself was a critic of the food quality after selling the buisness off; their buisness has declined recently in the US as a result of that in my opinion. Their Chinese branch is actually their largest branch today, and I heard it’s a lot better (it does seem to attract more customers than their US locations). I remember being in KFC China once, but I can’t remember how it tasted.

    Here’s a two of the images I took, one of an original refrigerator door from the restaurant and the other of a model Colonel Sanders’ gas station, motel, and restaurant complex. [Link](https://imgur.com/a/M9AEG5I). The refrigerator door looks quite a bit more complicated than the modern versions. The dude’s buisness was originally selling fuel, and he sold chicken on the side. The complex was a result of his expansion into other travel related industries. He sold everything off in 1956 because of an planned new highway that would bypass his buisness (eh, it eventually ended up just 5 minutes driving from there).

    Also there’s an Aldi’s in that town for some reason. Maybe I should go see the original Aldi’s location one day.

  2. Speaking of traveling, ever noticed a concentration of certain industries in the places you drove or walked by? There’s quite a concentration of car related industries in a north-south belt from Michigan on the border with Canada to the Gulf of Mexico that’s quite noticeable physically. There’s also a weird concentration of flooring industry in Northern Georgia.

  3. What are the most popular/most effective winter clothes brands in your country? Especially waterproof items.

  4. On the train to Sandanski to attend [Pirin Folk](https://www.pirinfolk.com/), one of Bulgaria’s most famous music festivals and the flagship annual event of the “author’s songs with a Macedonian folk base” genre (it does need a shorter name). It’s held in three consecutive evenings (Children’s Pirin Folk, Performing Artistry and Author’s Song Competition), usually between end-August and end-September, at Sandanski’s Summer Theater that carries the name of the festival. The first edition, when it was called “Pirin Fest”, was in 1992. It channeled a lot of the creative energy that exploded after the democratic changes here, although the genre couldn’t match the crazy rise of chalga a bit later. Still, the festival persisted. I’ve been wanting to visit it for years, but only this year I finally made a point to buy me some tickets.

    Later today or in the next few days I’ll make a post where I’ll provide links for some songs in this genre, which doesn’t seem to be much known outside Bulgaria, and there are so many songs that are gems.

  5. Dhangethi, Maldives.29° and sunny at nearly 3pm.

    Another small, tropical island, south of Fulidhoo.There is supposed to be some excellent diving here, we’ll see tomorrow!

  6. I just noticed that the Inktober prompts have been released already (well, officially only on Sunday, but I think some people got them via the mailing list and leaked them). [The prompts are very travel themed](https://www.reddit.com/r/Inktober/comments/1f3ur1s/comment/lkm3gbv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Like others in the post, I am not entirely convinced, I must say. Maybe I will use another prompt list? But which one 😔

    Is anyone thinking of participating this year? I don’t think you need to draw and ink drawing, or even draw. You can write a poem, a short story, compose a music piece, crochet, whatever. It’s just creating something every day. I think it’s a cool idea.

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