I just got introductions to new friend group. On the way to the place, I asked to sit side by driver because I had little tired and headache on that day. I was afraid that I might got motion sickness.

The driver asked but little joked that I need to entertain him to keep him awake. I was shy and not feel good at that time so I keep my mount shut. Only talk when needed and let him focus.

Then, we talked during our dinner. I was preparing the food. He said he is not doing anything. I was joking that “yeah next time it will be his turn”. But then the girl next to him offer to help. He said to me: “She is a true friend. What about you? Passenger” I feel sad. I don’t say that I am totally right but it seems like I cannot merger to that group or at least to talk like that way.

It was awkward because I don’t want to make a fight, but it is not nice to hear that. I have my own respect.

In your case, what should you do?

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