I’m trying to help my friend 18 m with his confidence and dating life at his new university. I’ve known this dude for most of my life and we’ve become close friends overtime despite living 3 and half hours away. Recently his went to one of his biggest party colleges in his state and me and our other close friend have been trying to get him out of his comfort zone but almost nothing we’ve done has worked.

He’s about 6’1 200 and does admittly have a decently high body fat percentage that’s he goes to the gym 6 days a week for and is on a calorie deficit and he’s about average looking. He owns a camaro and a some cool black motorcycle(idk the name). Despite this he has a pretty good amount of muscle mass on his frame but is still extremely insecure.

Honestly he’s about as innocent as a 14 year old boy so me and my other friend don’t really know what to do with him. He’s even been approached by some girl and asked for his snap which he didn’t know how to react too.

I’ve been thinking about it just letting life hit him randomly but idk. Any advice on how to get him out of his comfort zone?

TLDR: lifelong rich friend is too insecure and can’t step out of his dating comfort zone despite not being that bad off.

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