I (20M) asked out this girl (20F) and she said she’ll let me know. I took it as a rejection since there was no counter offer and said “I get it, thanks though!”.

She says that I’m not direct with my messages and I elaborate by saying “I get you’re busy and also not interested, but thanks for being nice about it” since I still want to be a nice person. She says it’s not that she’s not interested but rather she’s really busy and doesn’t want to plan anything, and also not to feel the need to explain what I mean (did I strike a nerve with my comment?)

I’m really confused because the advice from other posts and the internet say a girl will always move mountains if she’s interested. This makes me think I’m potentially a backup option but I really don’t know and if I’m being honest she seems somewhat interested ([Previous post explaining her interest if you wanna check it out](https://www.reddit.com/r/dating_advice/comments/uo7825/initiating_conversation_and_signs_its_going_well/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) )but again I don’t know.

I don’t know what the next best move is cause I gave her space since she’s busy but haven’t initiated anything since then.

  1. Don’t bring it up anymore. Play it cool.

    Also, flirt with her friends.

  2. Think its time to look for someone else dude, if she was interested she would make time, but she isnt.. so you have your answer, its a shame that she couldnt be a bit more blunt about it…

    >She says it’s not that she’s not interested but rather she’s really busy and doesn’t want to plan anything

    This to me says you are either a backup option or she is stringing you on. If i were you id be keeping my distance from her and find someone else that does want to spend as much time with you as possible, and dont waste your time being somebodys B-side. Cause every bloke is an A-side and deserves to feel like that.. and vice versa for girls too.

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