I’m not saying you *can’t* eat them whenever you want. You could eat pancakes at midnight, no one’s arguing that. I’m saying that donuts first and foremost are viewed as a food for breakfast time.

My argument is that they usually bake donuts at like 4 am to have them ready in the morning and most places sell them only until they run out around 2pm after which they don’t make any more.

Her argument seems to be that most any chain donut shop she’s been to sells them practically all day and she’s never considered eating a donut for anything other than a dessert or snack.

  1. I generally view donuts as a breakfast food. In a work environment, if someone is bringing donuts in, they’re bringing them first thing in the morning for eating with coffee.

    But also an excellent snack.

  2. They’re just a dessert IMHO, not a food at all. In other words, just an anytime snack, like for office meetings and such.

  3. It’s primarily a dessert food. Americans just really like sugars and fats so we often eat them whenever we can

  4. Donuts are a dessert and should be eaten on occasion.

    I feel the same way about pancakes and waffles. They aren’t really breakfast foods for me. I look at them the same way I do cake or pie.

  5. Donuts are a dessert item. The only “breakfast” they belong near is continental – because continental breakfast is just a bunch of carbs and sugar, nothing substantial.

  6. While I don’t eat them often, I primarily eat donuts during breakfast hours but I still consider them an anytime junk food.

  7. I almost always eat them in the mornings initially. After that any leftovers are fair game at any time.

  8. They are absolutely seen as a breakfast food. I can’t believe the comments who think otherwise. They are terrible and dessert/candy nutrition wise, but they are advertised as a breakfast food.

    Donuts and coffee are something served early in the morning. Doughnuts are always paired with coffee, a bitter/sweet thing.

  9. Personally I think you are both right. I love donuts and do not consider them breakfast food. At least not in the same way I think of cereal or toast. Maybe I think of them as morning food more. And there are many local donut shops in my area that are closed by 2 pm to kind of back that up.

    However, I often eat a donut in the afternoon or evening. So whatever.

  10. They’re a morning snack, occasionally substituted for breakfast. Yeah, I’ll eat them whenever, but it’s primarily a morning thing.

  11. Might be regional or something cause where I live donuts are definitely a primarily breakfast food. Like we know they aren’t good for you but all the local donut places open early in the morning and close at like noon. And you tend to eat them morning work meetings or on job sites in construction. My old foreman used to bring donuts to all his crews every Friday and Monday morning

  12. I’ve always seen donuts as a breakfast food. I’m surprised how many people think otherwise.

    Also, it’s funny how many people feel like they have to say they never eat them and no one else should either. That’s not what the question is about.

  13. Based on how all of my local non-chain donut shops operate I side with Primarily breakfast. Though they’re good anytime.

  14. Unless you have money riding on it, let your wife have this one and choose a different hill to defend.

    I also think they are a breakfast food, but I just had dinner at a BBQ place the other night and they gave us a bag of some sort of deep fried donut holes for dessert after, they give it to every table. and they were awesome.

  15. I’m with OP, they’re a bfast dessert food for the same reason you mentioned. They stop making them at a certain point and then you’re just eating leftovers.

  16. Donuts are breakfast food. Like coffee cake. And danish. And pop tarts.

  17. Worked for a donut shop once. Saturday morning was easily the busiest time of the week. Working the evening shift was boring as fuck. It’s a breakfast food that can be enjoyed whenever.

  18. I know most people here are splitting hairs and stuff but to just basically answer your question without bullshit, I mostly associate doughnuts as breakfast food. They are baked early morning, they are brought in to work usually as a morning treat, I might grab one on the way to work. So yeah, breakfast.

  19. They are eaten for breakfast mostly because they are made in the morning and fresh donuts taste the best. They are a junk/snack food and I see no issue eating them at any time of the day

  20. Krispy Kreme started out serving them for factory worker morning coffee breaks. Dunkin’ Donuts soon followed suit, and nailed down the morning time slot.

  21. Breakfast food. You bring donuts to the office in the morning, stereotypically me has coffee and donuts in the morning, and many of the donut places open super early in anticipation of having fresh donuts in the early am. I used to eat them all the time, esp Krispy Kreme, but they are traditionally a breakfast food imho

  22. I call it an anytime food but that said I seen to eat them primarily for breakfast when I have them.

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