Also, how do you support the habit financially?

  1. >at what age did you start?


    >Why did you start?

    Just curious then to look cool and later pure addiction

    >Do you enjoy it?

    It gives a nice buzz with coffee and help me to relax during breaks. However not having cigarettes left or not being allowed to smoke stresses me out much more so no, addiction is no good.

    >Do you plan to end it some day?

    Yes it’s easy, I did it already 12 times!

  2. I started smoking at 15 to look cool in front of my classmates then I got addicted, I quit when I was 21 but then covid came along and I started smoking again.

    I’m 26 now, it’s been more than a year since I last bought a pack of cigarettes, in late April a friend of mine introduced me to nicotine poaches, then I travelled to Sweden and bought a few of those, they really changed the game for me.

  3. I started somewhere between 18-19 years old, I’m 24 now.

    I started because I was in uni at the time, was very stressed, and a lot of people around me smoked. I started as a “party smoker”, only smoking during social gatherings or when I was drunk. Then I started smoking before and after school, in between classes, etc. I also got into a relationship with a smoker around that time. It was gradual.

    I’m starting to get more and more repulsed by it but I also realise I feel very dependent on cigarettes. I enjoy smoking some moments, but other moments I’m grossed out and thinking why I’m doing it.

    Edit: I enjoy them the most when I need a break for myself. Like when I’m in a busy restaurant and don’t wanna hide in the bathroom, I’ll just go outside for 5 minutes to clear my head a bit.

    This post actually helps me, because me and my partner agreed to stop smoking at the end of summer. I’m on my last pack right now. Then it’s cold turkey for me.

    Also the financial bit: cigarettes are pretty expensive in my country (€12 for a small pack of 20) but I live close to the German border so there I buy a pack of 27 for €10. Costs me about €50 a month

  4. 18.

    (Which for balkans standards im considered a late bloomer lmao.)

    A good majority of teenagers start smoking in highschool, we even have there desegnated smoking areas and thats where everybody smoker/nonsmoker goes to hang out after every class is over.

    I started mostly because i was going thru a more depressing and stressful period and it helped me calm my nerves.

    For me at least, nicotine itself is like 50% max of the thrill i get from smoking. The other 50% is given by the vibes or actions where the cig is needed.

    Like in the morning enjoying a coffee with a cigarette next to you, after a nice meal when you lean a bit backwards on your chair cause you’re full and light a cig up, when it’s a rainy day and you listen in the dark room the sounds of rain while smoking or when you’re on a roadtrip to the seaside in the summertime and you stop at 5am at a gas station and you light up a cig while you’re freezing from the morning coldness.

    These are just a few things that make me enjoy smoking, it’s not the nicotine, but the vibe assosiacted with it.

    I’m planing to quit in 5-6 years when i’ll be close to my 30s and the fun will go down a bit.

  5. Started at 14-15 , stopped at 22. Used to love it , I still crave it sometimes , especially when I drink or when I see a cool character smoking in movies.

  6. Not under 25 no more, but I did smoke for almost 16 years, starting at 12/13. I quit a year and a half ago and I cannot see myself putting another cigarette in my mouth ever again. I genuinely gag when I smell one. I even stopped seeing some chain-smoking friends because I couldn’t stand the smell.

    If anyone wants to quit, I recommend you get The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr. You can get it for free by subscribing to audible, you can cancel it right after downloading the free audiobook so no charges in the future at all. I listened to it at work and during my commute to/from work. My only regret is that I didn’t get it sooner.

    If anyone has doubts, the only reason why I keep recommending this book to smokers is because if you take the time to actually learn from the book, it does open your mind about myths and all the bs smokers convince themselves of every day.

  7. Started at 16, thought it looked cool. Smoked heavily for years beacuse…addiction. Reduced in late 20s the amount, fully quit at 32.

  8. I started when I was around 13 years old. Every day I’d walk out of the college (middle school), I was immediately greeted by a thick cloud of cigarette smoke and one day tried it and it stuck with me.

    I unfortunately love cigarettes. It makes me feel good, keeps me leveled if I’m drunk and driving-music-cigarette is something I love 😭

    I had stopped smoking 2 years ago thanks to my (now ex) girlfriend. However after we broke up I got back into it and I’m back at a pack a day now. Definitely wanna stop and I will end it before I have kids because that’s something I don’t want them growing around.

  9. I was roughly 19? I started because I worked in hospitality and it was the easiest way to get a break! I do and I don’t enjoy it, I feel crummy sometimes but it feels great having one after a couple hours or with a coffee or when I’m stressed. I hope to quit very soon, as in the next 2 months soon. (I always said I’d quit smoking when I found the right girl, which I think I might’ve) I support the habit financially because I’m working a decent job but also not an overly heavy smoker (<10 a day), plus I get them in duty free whenever me, a family member, or a friend travels to the UK.

  10. 14, the age I tried weed for the first time too. I’m in my late 20’s now and planning to end it about a year before becoming a father. My gf too.

    I started it just out of curiosity and really liked it. After some point it just becomes another necessity like food or water.

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