My ex and I were seeing each other again for a lil while… then I broke it off again. This time for good. The sex just was not working and it’s not fair to anyone to stay in a relationship with bad sex (imo). It kind of started when he just slowly stopped talking to me. We went two weeks without even speaking. He found out his dad has eye cancer and didn’t even tell me until I finally told him things weren’t working. He came to my apartment and dropped some things off that I had left at his house and said “I felt like you were losing interest so here you go” and that’s when he told me about his dad. We only talked for like 10 minutes. The next day I texted him at lunch explaining that I was sorry that it wasn’t working etc. he kind of agreed on it and I thought it was a mutual decision to end things…I guess I was wrong cause he called me that night and we talked about it a little bit and he like had NO idea that I wanted to end things ? I don’t understand how at all because I felt like we were on the same page at lunch. He told me he was pissed. I kind of freaked out because I was like wtf…like what do you have to be pissed at me about…he basically told me that I ruined his life and that he was doing fine before I came back around. Then he told me that after that phone call, we would never speak again. He told me that I was supposed to be his wife, then he said that I mean nothing to him now. I blocked him on everything after that because I wanted us to at least remain civil and just realize that although things didn’t work, we could still be adults and respect each other, but it REALLY fucking hurts me to know that I mean nothing to him after so long. I’m still hurting and I don’t know what to do. I just want to get over him for good.
(Backstory: we were together for almost 8 years, broke up for almost 8 months, then were seeing each other again for about 2 months.)

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