I (18M) don't understand my girlfriend (18F). So, we've been in this relationship for a year and a month so far. I'm her first boyfriend ever, so also I'm her first in everything regarding a relationship. The thing is that I don't understand her at all.

So, when we were friends I knew that she was a shy girl, didn't like to be approached by males or females, didn't like to be touched and didn't express that she loved someone. I noticed that she let me touch her hand, be closer to her and she even said that she loved me, so I went and ask her to be a couple and she said yes. But things are going super slow. I knew that being her first on everything was gonna make things slow, but turned to be acctually slow.

First thing I don't understand: Her shyness never went away at all regarding physical touch. I don't even know if it is shyness or what it is. Our first kiss was at the second month of being a couple and it was at the second try (The first attempt she dodged my face), and she won't kiss me "in public" (even if there's no one around) or hug me nor accept a hug from me or even hold hands, some might find that childish but she doesn't, only uses me when her hands are cold.

Second thing I don't understand: She doesn't want any sexual interaction with me. I do kinda understand that if you are a virgin you might not want anything inside you and that's okay with me, but she never gave me a reason on why, she just said that she's not planning on doing that and "If I don't like it, I can go". But that's not it, even if I understand where she's comming from (I don't) she wouldn't do anything to me either. We agreed on if she doesn't want me to do anything to her, then she will have to do things on me, and she agreed on that but refuses to do anything more than touching my torso sometimes. And I find it weird that she doesn't seem to feel aroused ever. And when I try to talk about it she doesn't wanna talk about it.

Third thing I don't understand: This is one if not the most important of all. She doesn't make me feel loved. The thing is that when we are in her house, she makes me feel loved, she tells me that she loves me, and maybe kisses me sometimes and hugs me and all, but when we are in public I become a friend to her and even a stranger sometimes and this applies to texting aswell because we only see eachother alone 4 time a month or once a week. When we are not together in her house or mine, she doesn't say "I love you", she doesn't text me first, I ask all the questions and topics an she just answers. When we meet at the gym where we see eachother every other day, she doesn't talk to me or approach me. Even at this day one year and a month of relationship, she just made me 1 gift only, when I gave her a lot of gifts and sweet things, and I don't care about things, she can give me a rock and I'll keep it forever. But she won't even give me a rock.

I believe communication is super important in a relationship, so I've communicated this three things lots of times in different ways. She says she'll try, but everything remains the same. She don't show me attention, doesn't make me feel loved, doesn't want any sexual-related contact, and won't even show affection in public (even if there's no one around). How can I understand her behavior and make her understand my feelings and act on those? (English is not my first language, sorry if there's something unclear)

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