How do you ladies relax and unwind when the entire world is demanding your attention?

  1. put my phone on airplane mode, have a cuppa and put some comfy clothes on. I also go for a massage every pay day.

  2. First I remind myself that the entire world is not demanding my attention. In fact, most of the world doesn’t even know I exist. Then I take a deep breath to bring a little peace into my body, look at the things that do demand my attention, and take care of what I think are the most important things, and then do or do not do the other things.

  3. If no one’s life is in danger, it has to get sorted without me. I can’t pour from an empty cup. I give folks the heads up & then peace out ✌🏾✨

  4. Unless it’s my SO or my child, I tell the entire world to fuck right off. Everything else can wait while I have a glass of wine and spend the next 5 hours reading.

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