Not sure if this belongs here, but I have a question?

I hear all the time about women who get ghosted by attractive guys. From my point of view, I (24M) can’t imagine successfully attracting a woman just to have sex and ghost her. Granted I haven’t had much relationship success

I have two theories

– one, these girls are not that desirable to actually be in relationships with

– two, these men can have so much success that even if the girl is worth having a relationship with, he knows he can just go and find a different one

If you are a guy who has a lot of success with women, why would you ghost a very attractive girl who hypothetically is trying to keep you, who is submissive and sexually desires you?

If you’re a woman who was ghosted by a guy you perceived as very attractive why do you think he did?

  1. Most of the time, in my experience, men are not honest about what they are looking for. They want companionship, intimacy, and all the other parts of relationships except for the commitment. I live in a big city and it’s especially bad here. If they are well-educated or have a good job and are moderately attractive, good luck. You can cook, submit, give thoughtful gifts, etc. and they will still fuck you over.

  2. When a man, or anyone, ghosts a person, I don’t think it has anything to do with their attractiveness, it’s simply because the ghoster is a coward who wants to avoid an awkward conversation.

  3. The woman just wasn’t what he wanted, maybe it was personality, maybe what she wants out of a relationship, maybe she is not even all that attractive to him, as that is pretty subjective.

  4. Being attractive isn’t the only thing that matters. Plus everyone is hooking up left and right these days. Not everyone wants to be tied down.

  5. I think I got ghosted bc he wanted to use me for a fuck and he was too scared to tell me he wasn’t looking for more than just that. His loss either way 🤷🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️

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