I've been talking sex and sending pictures to a guy for over a year. He told me.
That he had a huge ten inch penis but never sent a Pic. He told me that he can give oral for hours.i am 52f he is 54m. We talked daily and texted long distances for over a year and became emotionally close, claiming we loved each other. We video chatted . I sent him videos of my body so he had no surprises meeting me. He flew a long distance to see me yesterday, and I am shocked and confused by the sexual experience we had.He started when I saw him kissing me. Took off his clothing and had maybe a 4 inch penis . Which I found shocking since he kept telling me how big he was. It was hard, and he then gave me really good oral sex for maybe 3 min, and I was about to come, and he stopped and started kissing me.trying to put his penis inside me. I could feel nothing, and I actually thought he was limp. He kept falling out of me and I tried different positions.i realized I was dealing with a small ,also crooked , limp penis.so I asked him to lay down and gave him oral sex which I enjoy and I am good at. He got a little hard from it on and off. I did it for over a half hour, and he really never even seemed firm or made any noise of enjoyment.He never touched my breasts, and I never licked me again either. He asked me to stop the blow job, which I did, and we just lay peacefully in each other's arms for a few hours .Him lovingly caresses me. Like nothing was wrong. He came a long way to make love, and zero really happened, and he did not seem to care or try. Then he goes home.. he texting me like nothing wrong. Saying loving things to me. This was the worst sex,of my life.Was he not attracted to me does he have penis issues
Why was the oral so short. I know he is the only one who knows why things were so terrible. I don't have the hesrt to ask him . I also feel tricked that he said his penis huge and he wanted to give me oral for a hour.He asked me this morning if I enjoyed our sexy time. I did not say anything back and need advice on what to say to him in a gentle way. Anyone have any idea what might have gone terribly wrong here. I am in good shape go to gym a few times a week . He saw what I looked like on videos so I have to belive it not an attraction issue.He for the record never has been married. Has never had any serious relationships with women in the past and lives with his family.How can u ask him why he didn't sexually perform in a gentle kind way?

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