I’m 19M and am prepping for an entrance exam to get enrolled into a med college.
I have no inkling of love/admiration towards the profession of a doctor. Like don’t get me wrong, i respect them, a lot, but I feel like kms whenever I imagine myself for 12-14 yrs trying to learn out of books rather than doing something different(that’s how long it takes here in India)
So why tf am I doing it? My parents. I’ve tried to have this conversation many a times and have always been told that I’m just a kid who doesn’t knows what he wants. I do.
I want to become a director. Make movies. Write them. Maybe act(idk if I have the talent for that yet). I love love love them. The idea of living a life that’s not mine is so fascinating.
Ik a doctor is a noble profession. But when i make a movie and someone relates to it and maybe just maybe if my movie somehow changes his/her life for the better, won’t that also be saving a life? Heck if I’m good at it I could save multiple lives at a time.
I’ve realized that I’ll have to go through becoming a doctor in order to sustain myself(otherwise they’ll probably abandon/treat me like a lesser human). But once I get that doctor’s title. Ima chuck it all in the bin and concentrate on filmaking.
Any advice?

TLDR: Becoming a doc against my wishes. Want to make films. Any advice.

  1. The odds of making it in show business are not good, maybe it’s not such a bad idea to have a degree to fall back on. Maybe a compromise? Not medical school but maybe engineering? Maybe take acting classes on the side? Join a theater group at school?

  2. Don’t waste time and money on something you aren’t invested in.

    Take a gap year. Find a job, even unpaid, doing something as close as possible to your dream. See if it’s all it’s cracked up to be- it might not be.

    Or work, make some money, gain some experience while buying yourself time to think.

    A year working construction cleanup will put money in your account and teach you infinite things about life and the world. A year of med school that you later drop out of will result in debt, shame and not much else.

    Figuring that out now would be a gift to your future self.

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