My friend is having issues with his neighbours and can’t get into his drive as they park their car in an awkward place. He and his fiance have asked them politely to park on the curb so they could maneuver their car onto their drive, which was answered rudely and the request refused with the owner saying that they’ve never have an issue parking there before.

Is parking in the road like this legal? Does my friend and his fiance have any recourse?

Parking in the road

  1. As long as they’re within 12 inches of the pavement and not directly obscuring the drive they can park there . Technically it would be more illegal for the car to park in the pavement and block access for wheelchairs/prams

  2. It’s a public road, so as long as their car is taxed, they can park it where they like, respecting restrictions (of which I assume there are none) and not in front of drop-kerbs.

    It’s a shame that diplomacy has failed, so maybe your friend should park their instead, given that it’s presence proves an issue?

  3. They should easily be able to get into that drive. Drive past the car, then reverse in.

  4. We always had issues like this at our old place. Combination of narrow road and the driveways either side of the road being offset. PITA but there is no easy solution to inconsiderate parking

  5. No, they shouldn’t park on the pavement. Can’t wait for it to be made illegal.

    Your friend needs to learn how to reverse.

  6. It’s inconsiderate parking but it doesn’t look that hard to get out of the drive

  7. Now he’s mentioned it, they’re doing it on purpose to piss him off, hence the distance from the curb. Although within their rights to park their, they’re being assholes. Unfortunately, there’s no law against that either. Hell will freeze over before they stop parking there now.

  8. Assuming that’s a fairly standard width road and not particularly narrow, your friend should still be able to get in/out ok. We park opposite our neighbours driveway and they get a range rover in and out ok. We do park closer to the kerb though.

  9. To park in the drive in the right centre?
    Without the angle of the photo is bad or they have a big van I can’t see how they can struggle to park in it.

  10. The Polo is parked like a dickhead but also maybe your friend could do with retaking their test if they can’t reverse into that drive.


  11. If he wants to make a point. When they aren’t in. He could start parking across his drive instead of using it. They’ll have to use theirs then.

  12. It’s a bit annoying but if your friend can’t park in his drive then I hope they never move somewhere with only on street parking.

  13. Tell your mate to get better at parking 👍, other than that they could pay someone to brick the windows?

  14. If they can’t get out of their drive to get onto the public highway at any point, the vehicle blocking has committed an offence. Illegal to obstruct access to public highway.

    Doesn’t work the other way, as far as I can gather. Not an offence to block egress FROM the public highway….

  15. > Is parking in the road like this legal?

    Yes. I could reverse my lorry onto that drive. Your friend needs lessons on reversing.

  16. Two options (Cos what they’re doing is legal albeit annoying).

    1) friend parks infront of their drive instead of using it, neighbours car will have to go elsewhere. Obvs this needs to happen when it’s not there. Repeat this for a long ass time. Neighbour would hopefully get used to parking somewhere else.

    2) learn to drive, its really not that difficult to access based on the photo

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