she’s an air stewardess (24F), i (25M) met her through a friend. i’ve known her slightly less than a month now and we both got out of a relationship shortly after we’ve known each other, and now she calls me whenever she’s got time alone when she’s in town and also when she flies. she has come over to mine twice now straight after her flight for suppers but nothing ever romantic. i can’t tell if she has any romantic feelings but i know i do.. i’m leaving for a 3 month student exchange at the end of september. i would like to be a gentleman and tell her in a sincere meaningful way but i don’t want to ruin what we have. what do i do?

  1. Normally I would say nothing because you are leaving soon. But. She flies for free. So. I’m finding myself really looking forward to the time we spend together and I would like to take you out next time you are in town. When she says yes, make the date romantic. Hold hands and go for the kiss when appropriate.

  2. It happened to me, when I was younger. Insanely in love with a girl, and we just shared the same sense of humor, and spending a little of times together. I was secretly in love with her for months when I finally confessed.

    She told me she did not feel the same way. I got over it after that. It was painful but I got to move one. And we manage to keep the friendship alive for years after that.

    And I don’t have anymore romantic feelings towards her.

    An untold love can last forever. Just do it. And if it doesn’t workout, sometime along the way, you’ll move on.

    If it does work out ! Then I hope you’ll be happy together.

  3. “Confessing.” This is a major red flag. Confessing what? Confessions usually involve crimes. And it’s a crime to think you have something to confess after a couple of weeks. Adults ask people out and accept the answer. School children confess. Adults who confess are red flags.

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