My (27F) husband (30M) has no interest in my hobbies. What can I do about this?
I've been having a hard time with the fact that me and my(27) husband(30) have quite different hobbies/interests and he doesn't show an interest in mine.

Context: We have been together for 12 years. As I've gotten older I have become more determined to work on myself as an individual and as a wife, and also ensuring that we address any issues we may have in the relationship. I previously used to bottle things up, then we'd have a huge argument and I realised that's not the way I want to do it.

Now to the issue at hand. His main hobby is gaming, I like gaming as well but my games are different from what he plays and I'm not very good at any shooting/online type games so we don't tend to play together. I try my best to show interest in his hobbies and ask questions, listen to him talk about it. Even though I'm not that into those games,I know he enjoys them so I ask how he is getting on, what he played etc. I like gaming, reading, and any creative activities such as doodling/painting etc. He hardly shows any interest in this, doesn't ask me any questions and when I do just mention them, I sense disinterest and the conversation shifts.

I have brought this up before in a calm manner when we discussed why I felt upset and he apologised and explained he's not doing it purposely. This was a few months ago and nothing has changed much. I get asked about how my day went and other things, we watch some series together and have some trips planned so we do spend time together but I can't help feeling upset about the fact that he never asks about anything I do hobby wise and this makes me feel a tad disconnected. I was painting today and when he came into the room, he was talking about gaming and I listened and I was expecting him to at least ask what I was painting or anything, but there was no acknowledgement.I do think this is partly because he has 0 interest in what the hobbies actually are but it still stings to feel this way. Has anyone experienced this? What can I do? Thank you in advanced. Happy to provide more information if needed.

TLDR: My husband doesn't show any interest in my hobbies and it's making me feel disconnected

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