As a serial hobbyist, I’ve tried and dropped more shit than I can even count. I usually stick to music and drawing but I do have full months where I dont do either.

College and bills have made me chronically burnt out.

What about you guys? Given a year’s worth of PTO, what would you do?

  1. I used to program a little, do some 3d animations and work out.

    Honestly I’m not doing them due to a lack of time and I hate blaming it on my mental health but I don’t enjoy them anymore.
    I am trying to make myself do them again especially working out as it used to be my favorite thing. And hell up untill last month I was making myself get up at 04:30 to go to the gym before work but I need a break

  2. I got into chain maille for a while. Then we started remodeling our home and I lost my work area. All my jump rings and pliers are sitting quietly in my office.

  3. Reading. I still do, but it used to be habitual. Now it feels kinda forced. Life just gets in the way of things that I used to do when by myself

  4. Marathoning. Me and my son started running together when he was in middle school, we worked our way to marathons and it’s always been our thing. I’ve done a good job keeping up but I’m getting older and it’s getting harder. It’s hard to slow down but I don’t know if my body can do it anymore.

  5. Children. I got the dumb and had more. My guns miss me. My skinning knives miss me. The garage misses me.

  6. I was making Lego stop motion Trailer Park Boys scene recreations but it takes a lot more time than I thought to get it to look decent and recently I’ve been too busy with house renovations.

  7. Working out, ever since Covid hit and my favorite gym closed it’s been hard. The gym opened back up and I went but my motivation just wasn’t there anymore.

    Had to move to a different area shortly after and the gyms where I’m at now are pretty shit so that just made it even harder to get up and go work out. I used to work out 5-6 days a week and was pretty fit, but now I’ve got some muffin top action after all this time.

    Luckily I’ve gotten into the habit of working out at my apartment gym for 2-3 days a week, next step is to bump those numbers up. Also moving to another complex soon with an amazing looking gym so that will help even more

  8. Scuba diving. I miss it. Though it’s expensive, time consuming, and my wife is terrified of something horrible happening to me haha.

  9. Language learning. I can never just sit down and study, but its the same way with reading and other things too.

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