This has been going on for months and now I am fully aware and suspect he is crushing on me and has been for a couple months.

At first I barely noticed him, but since I bumped into him in the grocery store and he looked me straight in the eyes for about 4 seconds, neither of us said anything, and I blushed and smiled and ran away 😭😅

But since then, the intensity of eye contact has gone up. I try give him a smile when I see him now, and he looks more directly at me.

But he's with his friends and I have earphones on. He's very chatty and smiling with his friends but goes dead silent when he sees me, just looks straight at me. Idk why.

I obviously look away with all my being when he's close by, like a spot on the wall or the floor, my shoe, etc, but we always glance at each other from across the room… often in the mirror 👀

Other things I've noticed are even in a group, his body turns in my direction when I'm across the room, and he will steal glances from afar or if I'm walking past look directly at each other.

I initially didn't think much of all this months ago when it started. But now I think he might be aware I have a crush as well.

Though close up he just ignores me completely or goes on his phone and I do the same thing 😭😅 I don't wanna look like a weirdo lol

I also don't wanna overstep a boundary, or disrupt his routine around his friends – I struggle to make friends as INTJ and I keep to myself in the gym, but this seems to weirdly attract some attention from guys, but he is the only one to make direct eye contact and I find it very flustering 🔥🥵 such a big turn on, and now I can't stop thinking about him and when I see him it brightens up my day, but I'm blushing like an idiot – but I don't know how or if to approach him.

Especially around his friends. And him being on his phone… what if he has a gf??

Like what if I'm just imagining things lol what if they're saying mean things about me like omg look at that stupid woman looking at you dawg 😂 I'd be mortified!

I'm sure I'm not as I'm pretty good at reading body language and he only does this with me. He doesn't talk to other girls, just his guy friends, and this started months ago when it was one sided.

I'm just a lot more aware now and I think he might be onto me lol

Idk if I should ignore him so I don't disturb his routine (and I do really really try to look away but just can't help looking at him and I notice he always looks at me when I come into the room) or… idk what to do, help please men of reddit 😭 😔


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