I (F45) am going on a third date tomorrow with M46 and I'm just feeling kinda unsure and wanted to get your thoughts.

We matched a few weeks ago and due to work schedules didn't get to meet for 9 days. No biggie. We messaged every day, chatted a fair bit via Whatsapp. First date was nice, I suggested location and we found a bar in the area. No kiss or anything at the end which was a welcome relief after every other date this summer trying to fully kiss me at the end of it. I asked him out for a second date at the end of the date. Neither of us messaged that night which was a bit weird after over a week of good night and good morning messages.

I messaged him the next morning apologizing if I'd put him on the spot the night before. He said he'd love to go out again so that was all good. We carried on messaging, I went away with friends for the weekend and we still messaged throughout.

Second date, I suggested location again. It ended up being a 7hr date. Drinks, very casual restaurant for quick bite to eat and then a bar he suggested near the restaurant. No flirting or anything. Just chat about our hobbies and things in common.

He messaged the next day and we chatted a bit and he asked me out for a third date. Tomorrow. The messaging has slowed down a bit this week. Feels like maybe he was tired generally but also feels a bit like he's less interested. At the same time, if I don't reply for a few hours, he'll find a reason to message me again.

So the signs are that he does like me but, I guess I'm just unsure that he does. I know he's been dating a lot over the summer prior to meeting me but he hasn't said more than that. He's never flirted with me, I've tried via text to have slightly flirty chat and he's not really responded to it. He didn't offer to walk me to the bus stop on our last date even though it was really late at night. Even though I've suggested the places for the last two dates, he still asked me what I want to do tomorrow.

Is he just shy? His job is really intense and demanding and I wonder if his job has made him a bit emotionally detached. Feels very much like friend vibes rather than dating vibes to me. What gives?

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