I'm working with my friend we provide illustrations to our clients and few days ago, I went to tour and before going I told him I won't be available for a few days. But I will try my best to do work on few projects all things were going fine. And when I was coming to my country, I told him I couldn't do any work because I'm coming and I have my flight so I won't do any work at that day and the next 1 or 2 days. He told me okay, and when I was on the way after flight landing, he messaged me me at noon about the source files (first time) because client wanted to see the files, I was in a hurry and I ignored his message and at the same night he asked me again when I reached at home so I told him wait 1 or 2 hours because I will need some to unwrap my own things, he blamed me because I didn't send him the files at the noon, I told him that I already mentioned that I won't do any work and can't available for this day and the next day because I had a flight and I'm now unwrapping my things and busy but he was continuously blaming me and then he said okay I'm waiting for the files. And exact after 2 hours I sent him the files and the next day he said to me that he couldn't send the files to the clients, it was midnight when I sent him the files and client asked the refund from him, I told him I told you to wait 2 hours and exact after 2 hours I sent you the files and then he said you ignored my afternoon message about the source files, it is your mistake, I told him why you are blaming me I already told you I couldn't available at that day then he said you seen my message why you didn't reply me then, you should have give me the update that when you will send me the files? I said because I was in a hurry and you are continously blaming me, you are handling the client you should have handle the situation because it is not my mistake, if I didn't told you about the unavailability and It could be my mistake but he continously blaming me and saying I should have told him in the noon and repeating the same things. Can you tell me is it my mistake?

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