Some quick background, I was born & raised in California but now live in England.

I was talking to my British music managers, & they were SHOOK when I told them that Americans don’t put butter in sandwiches. Brits will often put mayo on one slice & butter on the other slice. They were further shaken when I said that if an American doesn’t like mayo, they’ll eat sandwiches “dry” (no spreads) and would likely go dry before using butter.

Is the no spread life more of a regional thing? What would you say the standard American sandwich would contain if someone doesn’t like mayo?

  1. Mustard would be the next option, but our sandwich game is strong and the answer could range from sun dried tomato pesto to hummus.

  2. Butter, mustard, whatever other condiment or spread you like. Plenty of options out there if you don’t like mayo. I love mayo myself, but sometimes mustard is good on a sandwich. Or, for peanut butter: honey.

  3. Ketchup, mustard, miracle whip, ranch (and lots of other salad dressing). And PB&J I guess is a spread sandwich. The only time I use butter is on the outside to toast the bread for a panini.

  4. Are we counting miracle whip as mayonnaise? Because to me they’re two very different spreads

  5. I went dry for a long time and still might go dry from time to time. If there is good mustard, I will use mustard.

  6. Mustard! I’m not a fan of Mayo and use either classic yellow or Dijon most of the time. I’ll add a special nod to Coleman’s which is amazing as well.

  7. Mustard is the go-to. But also pesto and guac, especially here in California.

  8. Also, do any of you do the U.K. sandwich classic of butter on one slice, mayo on the other? And did you know it was a v common British thing? I had no clue till moving here

  9. I’ll do tzatziki, hummus, pesto, roasted red pepper. Also if I put pickles in I don’t need any spread. Can’t forget about peanut butter and jelly.

  10. I eat a dry sandwich when im lazy. If not there will always be a condiment on it.

  11. I usually do mayo or nothing, but sometimes I’ll go with mustard. Old people still use butter, but I don’t think I’ve met anyone under 50 or so that likes butter on sandwiches. I’ve had a ton of ‘dry’ sandwiches in my life and would much prefer that to butter.

  12. Miracle whip, mustard, ketchup (burgers or bbq sandwiches), shit I’ve even seen one dude put bbq sauce on a ham sandwich. Never go dry. I’ve never seen someone do this.

  13. Sandwiches need lube. Fats are best, but mustard is good, too.

    In fact, everything is better with lube.

  14. For me, it’s usually yellow mustard if I make it at home (I don’t often) or some other mustard variant if I’m getting a sandwich from some place (also not often).

  15. Me personally I prefer mustard. But my wife hates it so she normally eats mayo or miracle whip. My favorite is a good turkey sandwich with honey mustard. Kinda sweet, but really just puts it together.

  16. I hate mayo! More specifically I hate the texture of mayo and when other people spread mayo they slather on way too much for my taste, so if someone else is making my sandwich (like at a shop) I ask for no mayo to make it easier. I don’t add anything to replace it, some sandwiches come with something else, like chipotle mayo/spicy mayo or sweet onion, but I will 100% eat a sandwich “dry”. I usually have sandwiches that have fresh tomato and lettuce, so it doesn’t seem dry to me.

  17. Ranch is pretty underrated. The people who don’t like mayo probably won’t like mustard but who doesn’t like ranch?

  18. I feel like I should be ashamed of having never heard of butter in a sandwich unless it was grilled with butter.

    But anyway.

    Avocado spread.
    Miracle whip.
    Mustard (various flavors like honey or spicy).
    Horseradish sauce.
    Honey (depends on the type of sandwich, can be good with grilled ham and mustard).
    Every once in a while Buffalo sauce.

  19. Oh my god butter and Mayo are my two most hated foods and I would not survive even one bite of a sandwich with both!! I usually do oil and vinegar, avocado, hummus, or just go dry!

  20. I haven’t seen anyone say smashed avocado. If I have avocados, that’s my favorite sandwich spread. California here.

  21. Miracle Whip










    Another salad dressing

  22. I’m from CA and I put butter on my husbands sandwiches because he doesn’t like mayo. I think that’s normal?

  23. Depends on what’s in the sandwich, but I’ve used cream cheese, Sriracha, garlic chili paste, vinegar from homemade Haitian pickles (picklez, pronounced “pick-leez”), barbecue sauce, mustard, salsa or salsa con queso, balsamic vinegar, and in rare cases, butter. Dry sandwiches don’t taste as good as a well-seasoned, “wet” sandwich.

  24. I love mayo (or Miracle Whip) but I eat sandwiches with butter all the time.

    No way I’d go dry before using butter.

    What are you thinking?

  25. I’ve put butter on sandwiches. And hummus. Mustard. Honey. Honestly, bust open the pantry and go nuts

  26. I’ve also seen Thousand Island dressing as well when I went to Los Angeles.

  27. I’m in Minnesota. I do not eat dry sandwiches. Butter is used extensively around here.

  28. I have always put butter on my sandwiches. Had no idea it was unusual until I met my husband. Screw the haters. There are dozens of us!

  29. American here. I’ve always been confused about the needing mayo so that the sandwich isn’t dry thing. I don’t usually have a spread on my sandwiches, and I have had zero concerns about them not being moist enough. I have never in over 40 years taken a bite of a sandwich and thought, “Boy, this sandwich sure is dry!” It goes into my mouth where there’s saliva to help break down the food, chew, and swallow.

    The dry sandwich excuse has honestly perplexed me since I first heard it. Do these people not stay hydrated? Do they have a dry mouth issue or problems swallowing? I genuinely want to know. Please comment if you have an answer.

    I hate mayo. I don’t eat it. If I ever do put something moist on my sandwich it’s strictly for the flavor like bbq sauce or hummus.

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