Hey guys I’m turning 23 soon and looking for some advice. If you guys were/are in your early twenties would you prefer to travel or start building your long term future?

Over the past 2 years I’ve gotten really into the gym, stopped going out at much, quit drinking alcohol, built my credit, etc.

Essentially I got into self improvement as a whole. I currently just work a 9-5 and hit the gym basically and I’m at peace with that. I sold my cars around a year ago because I intended to travel. And I did a bit of it but I didn’t have remote income figured out so I came back to my home city to work.

If I decide to stay I can get a nice car, maybe like an entry level Lexus or something along those lines. And overall find a good work life balance and begin to really just start to think about a house and all that.
The downside is I’d have to commit my situation to my home city at least for a year or two. I love cars so the idea of having a nice car is tempting. I know I could build a good life here, but I don’t want to limit myself either if that makes sense.

The other option is to sacrifice not owning a car for now to instead use some of that money to see the world. Asia for example. I mentioned the gym. To have complete freedom and be able to train daily and meet new people sounds exciting. The downside with this option though is maybe less stability. The freedom sounds nice I just don’t know if doing this will make me regret the possible progress I could have made back home.

Either travel and have complete freedom or set my self up really well here in my home city with a nice car, social life, and routine but commit my future here for at least 1-3 years. Both sound like decent options and I realize I’m young but I also understand time flies and I’d want to maximize my time and not live another year averagely.

I’m not making my decision based on other people’s expectations. I know traditionally the expectation is college, a mortgage, etc, however I’m also curious on what life could look like if I figure out remote income, and create a lifestyle where I can travel year round and also aim to be the best version of myself. I would like to hear other people’s perspectives. Both have their pros and cons and I’m honestly 50/50 on either option.

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