When I say “fighting,” I don't mean physically. I mean figuratively. Fighting to save something or to at least let your voice be heard.

A good friend of mine, or at least I thought they were a good friend, ghosted me. After I asked him to talk, he blocked me on everything. Something seemed up for the last few months. Not answering texts, completely ignoring questions about how they were doing, and only answering random questions of all things.

I was very heartbroken by them doing that. It hurt a lot because they were a big part of my life and they always seemed to be there for me. He wasn't my best friend, but he was amazing. I never had friends like him before.

I do want to fight for my voice to be heard, but I don't know if it is worth it. Too often I'm passive and just let things happen. Doing nothing cost me a lot before. For some reason, people don't like to be real. I want to be real because I know all too well how it feels to be on the receiving end of stuff like this.

I don't want to do this now. Maybe sometime in the future. I can't see him in person anyway. But I don't know if I should fight for what I think is right or do nothing. I don't know when it is appropriate for me to stand up for myself or let things be. I don't want to always be the pushover.

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