r/sex is testing out this new feature for you all: a Simple Questions + Your Answers Thread.

We normally remove simple/repetitive questions from our main feed but this thread allows people to ask *select* 1) simple/basic questions (i.e. "what brand of condom do people recommend?"), 2) *certain* survey-style questions (i.e. "how many times a week are people having sex?"), and 3) common/repetitive questions (i.e. "why am I having trouble finishing.”)

However, this isn’t a free-for-all space. Most other posting rules still apply however: no sex stories, definitely no personal ads, and moderators always have the discretion to remove questions they deem inconsistent with the sub’s core guidelines and values. Along those lines, questions and answers should always be constructive and sex-positive.

During this trial period, we'll post the thread from Monday-Wednesday and see how it goes.

  1. For a bunch of reasons, I was not on my A-game for first sex with this guy I had been attracted to and building sexual tension with in person for several months. I was somewhat holding back. Tbf, he wasn’t an amazing lover either. But I feel confident it would get better next time and every time, only…he’s been distant and I haven’t seen him since (a week). Do most guys give decent (came twice) but not amazing sex a second chance? Would hate to leave it there…

  2. For my entire relationship (15 years) I’ve been overweight. Up to 342 pounds at the highest. My penis was always felt average length in my opinion (maybe even a little below), but is pretty girthy. My wife is 5ft tall, very petite and could handle it pretty well once she got used to the girth.

    Fast forward to now, and I’m on a health/weight loss journey. I’ve lost 70 pounds and my wife informed me that sex is now starting to hurt. She says im starting to hit her cervix and its very painful. I measured myself and to my surprise im around 7.25 inches long now.

    I still have 100 more pounds to lose, and I’m confident that my new diet/exercise regiment will get me there over the next year. With even more fat loss, means I’ll become even longer. Making the situation worse.

    I need some advice on what to do so I don’t accidentally keep hitting the cervix, because it pretty immediately ends sexual encounters.

  3. how to give good head without ball or prostate play? my man doesnt like either of those kinds of stimulation but 90% of the things that come up online when i search only really say to do those two things. ive searched the sub and none of the posts ive seen have really given me anything i can use because a lot of the advice given here is also just to do one of those two things. if anyone has any other tips or other resources that are applicable to my situation it would be greatly appreciated.

  4. Afraid of intimacy

    I’m 22 y/o, I’ve had a couple of short relationships, but I’ve never kissed before. I’m too scared. Idk at first I thought it was always too soon, I don’t just wanna kiss anybody, you know. But now it is kind of dawning on me that it really scares me. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to kiss me and honestly I don’t even know if I want to kiss them.
    I fantasize about it a lot, but if I think about it
    I cringe so hard. I have been watching porn since a young age, it hels to fulfill the urges I have, while keeping a safe distance.
    I often think about sex, but it gives me a pit in my stomach. Nobody would want to do THAT with me, the thought alone of getting naked for her… uh. And then going in, you know. Oh and also I am afraid of touch, something I noticed recently. So intimacy kind of feels like a forbidden fruit, I want it, but I fear it. From the bottom of my heart I do believe I am ugly and unworthy of love.

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