I find myself getting no matches. I’m looking for a serious relationship, but uncertain what I’m doing wrong.

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  1. From one guy to another, you’re handsome, but boring. Your first pic is good, the others are crap. None of them tell me what kinda person you are, what your hobbies are, what you love most in this life – all they tell me is that you’re a bland person. Very eye-catching, that.

    Anyway, get better pics and a simpler bio. “Seeking someone of potential” wtf is that? If you’re looking for a relationship, just say that. Or just say ‘someone cool”,because it doesn’t really matter what you’re looking for – everyone’s gonna ignore that part. “Enjoys the occasional drink’ makes you sound like an alcoholic.

    Also, not getting matches about a week after you’ve made your profile is quite normal. Apps are designed this way.

  2. Ok I am not sure if the last photo is part of your dating profile ? If so, please remove that. Your profile is great but that last photo really isn’t attractive.

  3. Just change your location to Indiana- I’d swipe right 😏
    But also, the “send me one of 3 things” comment. It may just be me, but I hate when guys try to make me do tricks like that. Feels very Pavlovian. You know most girls are just going to say “hey” anyway 😂

  4. You’re a good looking dude. But other than your first picture you need to change the rest up. Maybe something outside. Or doing something you love (other than drinking at a bar). Also you like stand up comedy? Add some humor to your bio too. Nothing turns a girl on more than making her laugh.

  5. You’re attractive! I think the first picture is the best one. Maybe take a few more pictures with better lighting and replace the rest of them. Also I feel like you could redo the bio to show who you really are.

  6. Having “friends or possibly more” in your profile makes you sound like the type of guy that will string someone who wants something serious along just to fuck them lol I’d pass on you just because of that

  7. I don’t buy that you get no matches. You’re easily top 5% in looks. Maybe reset your account. It’s possible you have a shadowban.

  8. Handsome guy. I do t think women will care about your pictures. You just need to give it time.

  9. Tbh you’re hot, maybe you need more personality in your profile. Get some variety of pics and I think your set ! Woman (assuming that’s your preferred gender) like to see you in different settings.

  10. Im a girl, I really don’t think your profile is that bad. My main advice –

    1. Your last photo is weirdly atrocious, between the blurriness and the messy background it gives off major red flags. Delete for sure.

    2. Your bio is too passive regarding what you’re looking for – “friends, maybe more”. You can just delete that, esp if you are 31.

    3. Objectively looks-wise you have good facial structure but come off slightly boy-ish, I’d recommend growing out your facial hair and trying to put on some muscle mass.

  11. Why don’t you reach out to girls? Do 10+ a week. While your at it, go work out. Delete that last pic of you and your hairy chest. Get a dog. Lol. Get rid of the 3 questions to answer for women. Your a good looking guy, shouldn’t have a problem dating women.

    Instead of a beer, have a wine. Have pics that girls would be interested in doing. Wine bar, museums, etc.

  12. If you can, as others suggested, add more photos outdoors or with friends. Natural lighting is the best lighting and being in nature is always an aesthetic bonus. Tbh I get kind of alarmed if most of a guy’s pics are dark/blurry and/or by themselves.

  13. OMG DUDE.

    Shirtless pic with a room full of trash in the background? whatever an opinion of you was up to this point, now it’s a hard left swipe.

    Don’t tell women how to approach you. They will stick with the “hi” and then you do the carrying of the conversation until you find a topic that makes her interested in you.

    Seeking someone of potential that resonates with your lifestyle? Like who doesn’t? But then you double down on that nonsense with “friends, or possibly more”? What kind of woman is looking for friends on bumble dating? What you are doing is scaring women away who are looking for relationships and think that’s a very high chance of not happening with you because of that statement.

  14. Ditch the shirtless pic. I usually don’t like those. Don’t demand they send you something, comes across as bossy. You’re cute. Should’ve gave a problem.

  15. Here are my honest tips:

    – Have 1 photo where you’re hiking or sth like that, either have a friend take a photo or just set up a tripod in the forest lol

    – Have 1 photo where you are with a cute animal, like a dog. It doesn’t even have to be your dog, just any random one.

    – Have 1 ridiculous photo that shows you can have fun, for example wearing an idiotic hat or doing something stupid.


    If you do this you WILL get a lot of matches.

  16. You’ve already gotten great advice. I’m just here to tell you that you are cute as heck and I would totally swipe you right, hahaha.

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