This is a throwaway account (I didn't pick the name) because she knows my account and I don't want to worry her.

I don't want to go into too many details, but essentially a co-worker at my wife's job was most likely cheating with another coworker and it made my wife and other people uncomfortable. She didn't go to HR and everyone just sort of dealt with it being uncomfortable until it came to a head and there was an incident. At first her boss didn't care, but the other person involved complained to HR and she lost her job.

This wouldn't exactly have been a problem a few months ago, but recently we bought a house and just sold our townhome. Our old place I had before we were married we easily could make the payments on a single salary, but now we are going to be… stretched. As a double piece of unfortunate news to add to the situation, I'm an elementary teacher, and we make… shit, and I'm also locked into my job for the year on a contract and can't leave it to get a higher paying job.

She is applying for other jobs that pay around the same amount, but many of the jobs in the range she had ($70k) are drying up in our area.

I'm wondering what suggestions you guys might have, as well as what I can do to support her. I've told her I support her, and I'm here for her, and we'll figure it out, but she is understandably depressed and tends to pull herself into a shell.

We aren't bad off, thankfully we made a fair bit on the sale of the townhome, plus we had a lot in savings, so we could probably live off just my salary for 2 years in an emergency, but I don't know what to tell her, or how to give her more support.

Any advice is welcome.

UPDATE: Just tonl clarify, no, she was not the Chester. But the cheaters complained she was making a hostile workplace by tracking the moments of one of them (So she could avoid them). She was well paid for her position as well. They are offering 30k less for her replacement.

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