M20. Never been the most confident/social guy in my life, but I've always tried to be thoughtful, caring, and open to others. I listen, am respectful, and I ask about people's lives.

Although I do these "good" things, I still dont know why people end up treating me like shit. Managers and even some co workers at work use corporate talk with me and only me, while they seem to magically change to being super friendly with others. I say hi to people and they are never as happy to see me as they are with others (hugs, handshakes, etc.). I guess I've never been that guy 🤷.

Then the bullying. They say they mean no harm but I'm always the one getting picked on or joked around with. I constantly get called names and laugh along with the jokes and name calling. I can never muster enough energy to snap back without feeling bad so I just go with it. Its to the point where people are trying to help me retaliate because they feel bad.

I think sometimes people are only nice to me to get stuff from me. I'm a hard worker and I love to help people, but I notice a lot that people trick me into doing work for them because I would literally do anything that helps out.

I feel that my effort has gone to waste with this and advice would be appreciated. I am in therapy and I dont know if its working. I suffer from depression and anxiety and take meds.

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