I've noticed at several occasions that my vagina tingles randomly when I encounter men. I mean, it happens when I'm not horny or turned on at all and with men who most often are complete strangers to me. As I write this it happened a few hours ago, I was about to get in to an elevator and my neighbour who is a man held up the door for me and we went in it together. As I entered the elevator I instantly felt this sensation. The man is not particularly attractive, due to being decades older than me, but I can't say I'd say no to seggs especially after that sensation!

This has happened before such as once when I sat at the library and a random guy stroke up a conversation with me, he was looking intensely in to my eyes yet I truly did not find him sexually attractive. Nevertheless I did feel this sensation in my vagina.

Due to the obvious non-attraction I felt to that guy I've started suspecting this may be some super-empathic / mirror neuron thing??? And that my vagina is actually responding as if through telepathy to THEIR thoughts or arousal ? But I don't know.

Anyone else experienced this before? Everytime it happens I do get somewhat aroused but always AFTER the actual sensation and not before, which I find so strange. It's like it happens faster in the physical than I can conceptualise mentally, which also makes me wonder if it somehow has to do with "energetical compatibility" or whatever.

Would love to hear if anyone else experienced this?

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