So, I met this really awesome girl at the gym. She's super nice, very pretty and attractive, asked lots of questions, and was friendly. Also helps that she's very cute and looks amazing. I got her number and we've been texting the past few days and setup a first date for later this week. We also spoke on the phone for an hour! We surprisingly share a lot of qualities and interests, and are both looking for something serious.

But I now feel awkward going to the same gym. I want to save the "seeing each other" for the first date. If we see each other at the gym, do I say hi, give a hug, or what? I go 5-6x/week.

Thankfully I have a 2nd gym membership, but they don't have a sauna which my 1st gym (where she goes) does.

In any case, how to deal with this?

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