I know I’m a catch. Male, female, non-binary friends all tell me so. I have many hobbies, I’m in good shape, I’m employed, I have two cute/well-behaved dogs, and so many friends. But for some reason, I just can’t shed this “thirsty, nice guy” image when I’m into someone.

I’m fairly good at reeling myself in but people can pick up on subtle cues.

The only people who like me are the ones I’m not interested in, probably because I’m being myself.

I think it may be dating apps that have turned me into this because I wasn’t always this way.

Any advice from people who have been in this situation?

I have been on the receiving end of the “thirsty, desperate energy” and it is off putting. It horrifies me that I may be giving that off when around women I’m attracted to.

People say, it will happen when you stop looking. Frustrating advice but how do you stop yourself from wanting something? Isn’t that out of your control?

1 comment
  1. Do you possibly have adhd? Sounds like hyper fixation but could be just my own brain relating. I guess just try to reel it in when you notice you are super into someone that catches your interest. I’m sure you know the signs and try to have some self control/restraint.

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