I never had a friend since childhood that I was close enough to call "Homie" or "Bro", but at least I had friends and I had fun. Especially in the last year of my life, all my friends and even the people I talked to left my life. They all made new friends and the friend groups I was in stopped inviting me. I'm actually a pretty social person and I don't have any trouble making friends, but the people I'm friends with either leave me when they're done with work or don't talk to me. I am a funny person, I love to joke and make people laugh, but there is almost no one who has the same mindset as me. I lost all my friends. People are very selfish.

I go to school and I don't have any friends. I sleep during lunch and breaks. Actually, I had many friends with whom I traveled with until a year ago. As a social person, when all your friends suddenly leave you, it affects your self-confidence in the worst way.

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