
So I’m 19F in college. There’s a girl in one of my classes who’s seems really cool. We haven’t really talked to each other much in the actual class and I don’t see her at any time other than in the class. I want to try to be her friend but I’m having a difficult time approaching it.

The times when I would be able to talk to her is before class at times for a few minutes. I might be able to catch her after class but I think she has a class directly after and I don’t want to make her late.

How do I approach it? My goal is mostly to ask her to hang out sometime and to get either her phone number or socials. I’ve thought of just going up and asking her “do you want to hang out sometime?” but I’m afraid that would be too direct. Plus I don’t know how to naturally ask what contact information she would prefer after that.

I’m probably way overthinking this but I want to try to come off as casual and not the nervous wreck that I actually am.

Thank you!

Edit: Slightly unrelated but would it be weird for me to go sit next to her. She has an empty seat but the table she sits at has two guys (that she might be friends with) and I’m not sure if it would be awkward for me to just sit next to them. I haven’t really talked to anyone but I haven’t talked to anyone at my table either, I just sat there randomly on the first day.

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