So maybe it's a weird phrasing but I couldn't figure out a better one.

I'm 41, I used to have a active social life, I did have to force myself to go out quite often but I did so anyway. Then I stopped and isolated/shut down during a real bad time in life and I never really recovered my social life again. I feel like I have no will at all to go and socialize.

And if that was all, then good. End of story.

But while I am actively putting myself in this situation I also feel a deep sorrow because I miss the feeling of community a lot. However, most of the times I try to socialize now I'm just thinking to go home. This was the truth even back in my social days but I also managed to see some of the positives of being social and managed to silence the voice telling me to leave.

Have your social battery pretty much depleted with age?

I suspect maybe me and my friends has just grown apart, lots of them are getting families and I live child free. How was this period in your life (early 40s) as child free in regards to friendships etc?

Did you somehow find some way to stop looking back at your social days with rose-tinted glasses?

I'd appreciate all input I can get as I feel totally and utterly lost in this and at the moment therapy is not a choice…or well, refrain from "just go outside" type comments, you can leave those comments on r/wowthanksimcured lol

Book recommendations would also be appreciated if you feel like you have some suitable ones.

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