Well, this girl I like, Im pretty sure I have been catching her looking at me for pretty much the entire school year, so ive had my suspicions for a while that she might like me, and today for pretty much the first time ever she came over to me near the end of clas and started asking me how I was and things like that, and it wasnt until today that I relized I like her. So my question is, and Im not surs if you can help me out with it or not, but do you think im seeing things that arnt there or do you think I should risk asking her out?

TLDR: Theres a girl I think likes me, should I ask her out?

  1. No one here can tell you what is going on in her mind.

    What’s the *worst* that can happen if you ask her out and she is not as interested as you think she might be? She’ll say “no”, you’ll feel a bit rejected and possibly a bit embarrassed…and life will go on.

    Decide which sounds better to you:

    1. The *chance* that she will say yes, knowing that there’s the possibility that she’ll say no and you’ll feel bad for a short time, or

    2. The *certainty* that you will never know, but also will never risk that rejection.

    Which of those futures would you rather live in? The one where you tried and *maybe* failed, or the one where you never tried at all?

    Edit: typo

  2. There’s no risk other than maybe a mild disappointment that you will survive just fine. If you ask someone out and they decline it’s not the end of the world. It happens. Imagine that scenario and know that the best thing to do is to smile and wish them well.

    But don’t make the first date or two into some elaborate time together. Go for a cup of coffee or a walk in a park. Go slowly. She is likely as nervous about it all as you are. Give her space to be comfortable.

  3. Shoot your shot, sir. Softball it, though, ask if she would like to get a coffee together first instead of planning a whole mega date

  4. Hey ???

    I had to come over and say that I admire your ???.

    Listen I would like to stay and chat longer but i gotta dash, what’s your schedule looking like over the next week or so? Would love to hang out with you if you’re interested?

    Yes = Great, well whats your phone number and i’ll contact you…

    No = No problem, i’ll make other plans. Have a good day. Bye.


    Short… Simple.. and to the point. At least you’ll know the answer.

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