Ladies. What’s something that annoys you more then it should?

  1. When something that should be simple becomes a nightmare to do, like contact a company to report an issue.

  2. When people parallel park on the street but they leave their car far from the curb and basically in the middle of the road.

  3. People chewing on gum or the noises they make when eating anything. Close your mouths, please

  4. Being interrupted while reading. Even the smallest interruptions can get my blood boiling and it’s been like that my whole life.

  5. When people capitalize every word in a sentence. Like on a Facebook post or something. You’re not writing a title, it’s a sentence. Irritates the hell out of me.

  6. Eating/drinking noises. It makes me **furious** and I feel sick. If I watch something on TV or online with mouth noises I have to turn it off immediately. Even in video games when you eat or drink to heal or whatever and it makes that disgusting gulp sound. It’s vile and unnecessary. There was a radio ad that had an obnoxious ‘slurrrp-gulp’ sound and I’d have to turn the volume off when I knew it was coming. Or people doing TikTok’s or whatever WHILE THEY EAT, it should be ILLEGAL.

    Strangely, if it’s an animal making the noise I’m usually fine with it but if it’s a human they can GO TO HELL.

  7. Having to call people, instead of being able to use an app or chat. (Example- To resolve issues like missing items on my order.)

  8. being called cute out of any thing on the planet, I know it’s considered nice but I’d rather be called pretty attractive beautiful but all I EVER hear is cute, it makes me feel like a child and kind of uncomfortable as it makes me feel like people view me as immature or as less than I am I know at heart they don’t have bad intentions but I can’t help but feel abit degraded.

  9. When things that should be common sense are not. The if the pan is in fire don’t put it in the fridge. Put it in sink under the water. Yes that sink next to the stove.
    If we are out for a walk and see something weird it’s not an invitation to touch it or eat it.

  10. My partner’s daily puttering noises. He also annoys my 14 year old child, so that feels kind of validating. Like WHY must he make so much unnecessary noise???

  11. People who slowly back into parking spots when there are people behind them. I get why people back in, but it makes me irrationally irritated.

  12. Welp. Gonna be negative for a moment, please! Ha! Extremely over the top excited happy people at 0700 when I need to get report on my patients.

    Please, just for a moment can you give the rest of us poor souls a break before beginning the shenanigans? I’m typically a very outgoing social butterfly but not when I have to take over Mr. John who has been smearing crap on the walls all night and been dealing with a death in the family. Just can’t handle it.

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