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  1. I noticed a few leaves turning yellow recently. What do you consider the boundary between seasons? I’ve been in favor of using the end of month dates.

  2. I pledged to immerse myself in my German music collection this week, in a desperate attempt to get myself in the zone, purge myself of the French that displaced all the German out of my brain, and not totally humiliate myself with my increasingly rusty German when I go to Berlin next week. Trouble is, a) all those songs by WIZO I downloaded off Limewire or ripped off extremely poor-quality Youtube videos decades ago really sound terrible when blasted out of my car speakers and b) I just discovered [Requin Chagrin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw-_m_ZlYPE) and can’t stop listening.

    FFS this band played down the road from me when I still lived in France 2 years ago. In fact, they might have even headlined. Why did I not know this band when I still had the chance to see them?

    *Sigh*. Guess I’m going to have to wait for them to tour Quebec or something.

  3. A couple of years ago, I wrote a sci-fi story about the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. u/holytriplem, knowledgable as he is and generous with his time, helped me a lot for the research and even read the final product to give his opinion, which was very helpful. Since then, some people read it and enjoyed it. Yesterday I got a comment from someone who said they’re doing research in radio astronomy and they were impressed by the work and how happy they were to come across this story. They even asked me if I work in the field 😭I am so happy.

    I am so glad to be among kind and smart people like you guys, it makes my life better.

  4. Back in Malé today,we are flying to Abu Dhabi this evening.

    27° and cloudy here, but very humid.I’m guessing that the UAE will be considerably hotter but also a lot less humid!

  5. How widespread is card use in Poland and Slovakia?

    In the UK I could go without ever spending cash beyond using a £1 coin for a supermarket trolley occasionally. I’m travelling to Slovakia and Poland later this month. Do I need to take some cash out or is card accepted literally everywhere like in the UK?

  6. There is a very interesting and beautiful mosque here in Malé, which is made of coral stone and wood.

    This is pretty old, coral mining is no longer practiced.There are other coral mosques in the Maldives but this one (the Friday Mosque in Malé) is the most famous and in the best condition.

    I was just listening to a tour guide explaining some stuff to a small group of tourists… some of the questions they asked him were incredibly ‘ignorant’, though I guess it’s better to ask questions if you don’t know something 😉

    It’s still strange to overhear adults who are traveling abroad and have so little knowledge though…

  7. I’m researching one rhythm commonly found in Finnish tango, and this took me to a Finnish languge internet forum about the accordion. There are users on this forum that have left 3000-4000 comment there, lmao. Imagine how dedicated you have to be to the accordion

  8. One thing I really like about the Maldives, and something I didn’t really know about before coming here… how easy it is to stay in small guesthouses still owned by local families.

    The big international chains have their private islands, and the local people have their ‘own islands’… they are usually next door to each other, but separate, and the tourist can choose which they prefer.

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