I have been seeing this guy for about 1 month. Things have been very light and fun. We typically see each other 1-2 times a week, go on nice dates and usually hook up afterwards. We don't talk much during the week, just a few messages to check in or say goodnight.

About 2 weeks into dating, he mentioned that he was looking for something long-term and was very suggestive that he wanted me to be his girlfriend. I told him that it's too early for me to decide if I want to be in a relationship with him, but I'm open to seeing where things go.

I enjoy spending time with him. He is handsome and sweet and we have a good physical connection. But we are definitely on different paths and have different lifestyles. I am career-orientated and work a demanding job that takes a lot out of me, whereas he works part-time at the mall with little passion/ambitions outside of that. With this in mind, I find that we do not have much in common outside of our physical/romantic connection

As we continue to talk and see each other, it becomes more and more evident that we want different things. I know in my heart that I have to end things – but I am not sure how to go about it. We are not exclusive, so I can't "break up" with him but also don't want to lead him on.

Any advice is appreciated!

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