I was tempted add the career flair to this, but I feel it's more of a life question. I have an excellent job. Money is not an issue. I have an excellent work/life balance, excellent kids, and an excellent wife. I can essentially manage my own book of business and my own schedule. I feel that I am recognized and compensated for the work I do.

However, I've been nagged by my own conscious to "make more" and "do more" outside of my current career. As a result, I've been investigating side hustles or jobs on the side to make passive income. It's not that I need the money. It's that I feel like I'll get older and regret not pursuing passive income. I have friends who operate multiple businesses, have rental properties, etc. I am afraid of regretting not doing something like that. Ironically, each one of these friends talks about the time it takes and I can tell it causes them a bit of stress from time to time.

I still have a lot of room to grow in my current career. I have waivered back and forth to either put a lot of effort into my current career and grow there or put more effort into finding a side hustle because the ceiling is potentially higher with potential passive income.

There is something to be said for the excellent job and work life balance I currently have. I don't want to sacrifice that or time and energy I could spend with my family because they definitely deserve an "investment" from me too. I am terrified of getting older and having regret about not pursuing side hustles or more income. At the same time, I don't want to regret sacrificing time with the kids and family which matters more. I want to be all that I can be though and I constantly feel I can do more, but I don't know where to stop with that pursuit.

Any advice or guidance is appreciated. I am in my mid-30's.

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