So, for reference I am 21F. I got my first hormonal IUD placed about 4 months ago. I've been seeing this guy (not dating), and we last had sex about 2 months ago, but haven't seen him since as he's been away. I got lucky with the timing and I had no bleeding or abnormal discharge going on when I last saw him. My body is still adjusting to the IUD and every day for the last 2 months, in between normal periods, I've had brown discharge or spotting. Now, I know this is normal for the first little bit, but I also know that it can persist for 6 months or longer. He gets back soon and I'll be seeing him and we'll likely want to resume our previous sexual activity, but this bleeding/discharge situation is putting a huge damper on my confidence and my sense of cleanliness. I can't use the period excuse forever, and he's a fairly new partner for me so I'm not sure how to approach the subject or feel comfortable being intimate with him while my uterus seemingly has it out for me. Any thoughts/ideas/advice are welcome from any age/gender.

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