Hi all. Recently I graduated university and I started a job as a healthcare professional that pertained to my degree.

The problem is, I don't like it , and never liked it during my college days, but I pushed on to get my degree so that I could achieve it.

The reasons I don't like it are due to my shyness and introversion, the extra work that I am expected to do( I have to do 40 hours of extra study per year), and the responsibility that comes along with being a healthcare professional.

It's only a week into my current job and I just want to quit, and get a job that might be less prestigious and well paid, but not carry the responsibility. I feel this job follows me home- worrying if I've done something correctly etc, and becuase this pertains to actual people I feel more pressure. I feel really down.

I currently live with my fiance and he encouraged me to get this job. He has a relatively high paying job himself. I just want to give me notice in and do something I feel ok doing and not having to feel anxious every day. I know he wants me to keep this job and if I tell him he will try anything to persuade me to stay. Do you guys think that this is worth my relationship? I don't know how long I can keep on with this, and I would feel awful searching/ applying for a new job knowing he doesn't support it

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