Hi guys,

I, 24F have just gotten my first job, it's in a service sector and we rely on sales and good relationships and networking. We have a company vacation coming up soon, and my boyfriend, 25M doesn't want me to go. We've been together for about a year and are both from conservative backgrounds. He says if we were married he wouldn't allow me to go which is understandable I guess, but he says if I don't want to act like that is the relationship we have then let him know so we on the same page – meaning he will also act accordingly (not sure to what extent).

Thing is though this vacation isn't compulsory, i don't think it would look great if I turned down their invitation, especially in a sector where you're supposed to engage with people. And also I was kinda excited about it because I'd love to get to know everyone a bit more and feel a bit more part of the team. Also my dad is really strict and he'd be happy for me to go, so I don't get why my boyfriend is having such an issue with it

He's a student and had to go for a week to a place on the outskirts of the city for school, to me this is the same thing? It's still co-ed and there it's with people your own age, but I obviously understand it's compulsory. Though my work vac isn't compulsory, I think it's important to go. Or is it not the same?

Im from a conservative background where women are always having to compromise for the male, and it builds resentment and I'm really scared of letting myself get into something where I lose my freedom without reason. But I'm not sure if this is making me biased?

Am I being unreasonable to still want to go? What can I do?

Edit/update idk what to call it:
You guys have been suuuuuper helpful to put it into perspective.

He now says that when he went on his trip that his two girl friends from his class suggested that they all go on a vacation together with his guy bestie. And he turned it down, it of respect. Idk how I would feel about him going with these girls, when he could easily take me too as it isn't a professional environment and they're just friends.To me this isn't the same but am I not just being biased?

Also for clarity, I don't drink or party. And the point of the trip is team building, they're all professional and it's a very very small company of like 8 people, half of which are married and much older.

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