(I am lesbian if that matters)

I met this girl on Tinder a few weeks ago. We had two really good and long dates. Went around to many places, talked a lot, etc. We haven’t had our third date yet because I’m busy with finals (almost done though!). We text like twice a week and it’s usually me sharing something, and she says she loves it or says something funny. And that’s pretty much all.

Should I be worrying? Also we haven’t really done anything romantic yet. Then again, I think we’re both quite inexperienced. I also know she’s kind of busy with school and work rn.

One other thing that worries me is that she said she once had a girlfriend and she continued dating her despite not liking her. What if she’s doing that with me?

The things that relieve me are our good dates, she still responds to me, and that she still fits dates into her busy schedule. IDK

  1. I’m a girl (if that matters) and would say not to worry. I personally am a pretty dry texter. I am dating a guy now and he always has to initiate contact, but I try to respond with enthusiasm to show I’m interested. I really enjoy our dates in person, but I have no mojo via text. I would like to play devil’s advocate and say perhaps the girl you’re talking to is like me and just not good at reaching out first and could also be super busy. It’s hard for me to text first because I never know what to say to get the ball rolling. I am only good at replying to the first volley.

  2. Just talk to her about your concerns on your next date. You are clearly emotionally invested in her, but you don’t know if she’s invested in you. Just ask. Then everyone knows where they stand.

  3. Texting is not this universal love thing. Lots of people hate texting. Keep trying different ways to connect and communicate, including just meeting up for a late night snack run or whatever. Use what works, don’t stress about the rest.

    And it’s definitely a busy time of year.

  4. Could always just say on your next date when you leave or drop off. “Hit me up later” and you wait.

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