I F(22) met someone through Hinge about three months ago, and we immediately hit it off. We met for dessert after dinner on our first date and it was very sweet of him to come drop me off at the train station as I had a train to catch. After our first date, we kept in touch, even though I was traveling to London, and our conversations remained engaging. From the start, I was clear about looking for something serious, and he was on the same page. On our second date, which happened after about a month, he brought up the topic of where we saw this going, and it was clear we were both interested.

However, things got a bit off track as he was preparing for his CFA Level 3 exam in August, and our communication randomly stopped. I confronted him about it, and he apologized. I assumed he wasn't interested anymore and decided to end it. But now, I'm feeling like I may have made a mistake and want to give it another shot.

Should I reach out to him to see if we're still on the same page? I don't mind being rejected because I think I'll regret it if I don't at least try, but I might be a little biased here.

  1. No, if he was interested he wouldn’t have let the conversation get stale no matter how busy he was otherwise he would not be on Hinge. He’ll reach out if he wants to reconnect. I’d not wait on that though.

  2. If you are okay with rejection and want to reach out go ahead. It sounds like he just had major scheduling issues and possible exam stresses. I think it’s a good idea to reconnect to get everything cleared up. Communication is very important.

  3. 100% reconnect. The worst possible outcome would be to miss out on a possibility of a good relationship.

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