Me and my ex broke up because he has a "bestie" with whom he's way too close.
I had no issues with him having girl bestfriends as he had many but I only had a problem with this one because say if we three were hanging out,it's like I am the third wheel.
And ya she's def a pick me and not a girl's girl and I don't feel comfortable with her being around him and she knows that but deliberately tries to create a ruckus between us(ik v immature)
Anyways the only thing I asked him of was to define boundaries and set some sort of rules,not to ditch her.
But he didn't and kept continuing things which I didn't approve of.
For ex. When he's doing his internship, he's not allowed to bring his phone so we used to mail each other about how work's going and so and so but when I received the mail i noticed he literally sent the same thing to her first and then forwarded that to me. It's like I am the third person here.

And when I brought that up he started Gaslighting me into saying this is all normal we are friends from childhood and so and so.
What irks me most is out of all the people,he should be the one who should stand by me and support me but he keeps arguing with me for her and calls me insecure and ya that's how I ended things. We're still friends now…no hard feelings between us but now he's purposely hanging out with her and sending me pictures and all saying "i was hanging out with your bestie (sarcasm) and we clicked a cute picture together"

I was heartbroken because deep down idk it's hurts but since this was in chat I covered it up easily giving an idc attitude. But my whole group of friends are meeting soon for dinner and I'm one hundred percent sure he's gonna do something with her to make me feel bad or down about myself and she's a b**** just like him and idk I'm broken beyond repair that idk how to pick myself up and be confident with a straight spine saying this doesn't matter to me and giving an igaf attitude to make them regret or think about the mistakes they did.

Please share your thoughts here.

TL;DR: I broke up with my ex because he was too close with a female friend who often made me feel like a third wheel. I asked him to set boundaries, but he refused and dismissed my feelings, calling me insecure. Now, even though we're still friends, he's deliberately trying to make me feel bad by hanging out with her and sending pictures. I'm worried about an upcoming group dinner where he might try to make me feel worse, and I want to maintain confidence and show that their behavior doesn't affect me.

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