Please help with low testosterone and low free testosterone (suffering ED)

I had a blood test done yesterday because I have been suffering from erectile dysfunction for some time now. I thought it was partly psychological because I have been taking finasteride and dutasteride for the past 3 years for hair loss. I stopped taking these medications last year.

However, my blood tests show that my testosterone (4.45 nmol/L) and free testosterone (0.107 nmol/L) are extremely low.
Estradiol: 25ng/L
SHBG: 20 nmo/L

Background information: 25 year old male who works out daily (combination running and fitness) and keep a strict diet. I have a fairly low fat percentage of about 10%. I know that maybe adjusting my nutrition regimen might already help. In fact, I am currently following a fairly protein and carbohydrate rich diet due to exercising a lot, I limit fats. However apart from the ED, I feel in perfect shape, sleep well and am motivated and positive. So have no other symptoms due to low testosterone.

Also I don’t watch any porn because I thinks it helps to get somewhat of a better erection when having sex with my girlfriend.

I still think that regardless of this diet, these values are far too low. Can someone please give me advice on how to get back to healthy testosterone levels of a normal 25 year old man and thus also solve my ED? I greatly appreciate all your help!

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