So, about 3 years ago back in highschool i was in a friendgroup (6 people) that lasted about 2 years, from freshman to late junior year. All people in this friendgroup have kept in touch every few months, but i'd like to say all of us are on good terms. we didn't have a huge fallout hating each other or anything, we just spread out across diferent groups and settings and we just don't talk or see each other much.

One of the guys in this friendgroup struggled with personal issues all throughout the existence of the group, and we always tried to be there for him, though he's the type of person to distance himself through hardship. After one of those periods of struggling, he came back during the final months of the group before going to senior year, and it was all great. After the school year ended, he unfollowed me and one of the girls in the group, and essentially cut only US two off. Unfollowed in every social media we had each other on, left us on delivered when reached out, ignored us everytime he saw us on public, pretended we never existed, the whole deal. I wasn't personally the closest to him, but i still appreciated him and i considered him a friend, so it really hurt.

I've always been the type of person to hang onto friendships and not really be on bad terms with people i was friends with in the past, though i've gotten better at moving on whenever necessary. This whole situation has been really hard for me, not only because of the sudden cut-off (which i have NO idea what could've caused it, we weren't even that close in order for me to have said something out of order. but i'll never know so it doesn't really matter i guess) but because i don't know how to approach our once-friendship. It has been about a year since it happened, and i still get dreams about that whole situation (i literally woke up terrible today because i had yet another dream about it, again). Do i just let the time pass and hope it gets easier as it goes on? Do i just match his energy and pretend i never knew him? If anybody has been through something similar, please let me know. Thanks for reading.

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