19F! my mum is 52, she's always been in my life.

me and my mum are very different people and although i love her, it makes me feel annoyance toward her. 9/10 times she talks to me, its her telling me to do something like clean my room. i have trouble starting tasks like that even if they're very important. call it what you want, i'm not very functional in a lot of ways. but my mum always does it for me anyway. no matter how much i tell her to just leave it for me to do, so i'll get round to it.

she has ocd and is very stubborn with things like, this while i'm the complete opposite. i'm also a very emotional person. today when i couldn't find my work clothes i got annoyed and panicked. so, i ask her where they are with an annoyed tone and some swears too. this leads her to not help and just tell me to stop swearing. in my mind, i'm not swearing at her, i'm swearing at the situation and now her telling me to stop being "rude" is making me more angry. my immediate go-to phrase when i get overwhelmed is to make empty threats of harm to myself and have a meltdown. this leads her to again, threatening to kick me out. and then i find some alternative clothes and go to work.

i come back and she's brought me food, but i don't think she's buying food for me.. she's just buying it to make me feel bad. i get a text from her saying "i hope you enjoyed your wrap, we need to sit down and talk" which just makes me angry because i see it as a self-pity game she's playing. i wish i could stop being rude to my mum, but she gets on my nerves and i think it would be best if she just left me alone, and let me do my thing, but she won't.

TL;DR my mum and i are very different people and a lot of the time i dont understand the way she goes about things, this makes me annoyed at her.

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