Idk what to do anymore

To make a long story short. I’ve (27f) been w my LDB (29m) for about to be 3 years in a few days. I would call our relationship really toxic and on & off. For over a year now, I’ve seen the same girl “friend”
Pop up on his phone multiple times, one time I even called his friends phone asking abt him and he asked “is this ___ (her name). lol. Ive caught him even while we were on vacation together. Plenty times I’ve mentioned it and got gaslit each time. She was our server several times at a local lounge/club & that’s how they met. I’m assuming he got her # one time when he went without me. He suddenly stopped taking me, but as I moved states away I can’t go anyways. When I went to visit him in June, I saw her call his phone on apple car play while he was in the gas station & he answered lol. I didn’t hear the conversation but obviously he gaslit me then, too. I then distanced myself but sadly got back with him. Now, I saw her follow him on TikTok and mentioned to him that I don’t like that, yet he requested to follow her back anyways. When we were on a 1 month break before, I’m 99.9% sure they hooked up.

My thing now is, I know to leave as he is putting her before me. But I always end up going back to him and I truly don’t want to but I give in. Should I change my number? I don’t like ghosting but I asked him multiple times “me or her” and it seems he can’t let her go for some reason.

** not to mention, I am aware he’s emotionally & mentally abusive toward me. I do think I am “trauma bonded” and am currently in therapy. I just hate thinking of the fact of him moving on, even tho I do want to.

Tl;dr : should I change my # & ghost bf of 3 yrs after he constantly is txting other girls.

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