Is this normal 30+ male behavior?

So, my husband and I are two peas in a pod. I have always gotten along with his friends while he was in the marine corps and they still think of both of us as family. I have never in my life had a problem making friends. I’m one of those I can make friends with anyone is about 5 minutes 🤣 I’m very easy going, a great host, etc. it’s worked out for 33 years until 2 years ago when he gets out of the military and we move to BFE Alabama.

His best male friend, let’s call him Kyle, is a very cool dude. I have zero qualms with him. He has a pretty massive garden and gives us stuff and in turn I’ll bake him a loaf of bread every now and then (he doesn’t ask but I do it anyway). He used to come over all the time when we first moved here but stopped about a year ago. He DOES have medical issues so he doesn’t drive so my husband will take him places every now and then when he needs to go somewhere and my husband will obviously go to his house to hang out because it’s pointless to go get him and take him back. It’s a lot of senseless running. Anyway, any time he DOES happen to come to the house to hang out (like today they out together our kids trampoline) as soon as they’re done he wants to go back immediately. I try to talk to him and he basically ignores me. This man has never looked me in the eye. Not once. So I just decided to myself – this dude hates me. 🤣 i don’t know what i did but he hates me and that’s cool it’s whatever.

Well a while back something came up in conversation between my husband and I and it came out that I thought Kyle hated me. My husband never really noticed the behavior and we never spoke of it again FOR MONTHS. Yesterday, out of the blue my husband goes “I talked to Kyle and ask him if he hated you since you think he does” 👁️👄👁️ DUMBFOUNDED (mf’er why would you tell him that 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣- that’s not the part that I’m asking if it’s normal though…I’m getting there hold on)

So – me, not knowing what the fuck to say to that, says “umm okay? That was a long time ago and I don’t really care if he does or doesn’t yall can do your thing I don’t care 🤣”

He says “well he said that he doesn’t want fingers pointed at him in anyway or to give off the impression that he’s trying to poach”

Surely, as adult humans in our 30’s, this is not normal male behavior? Right?

To me, it’s like first of all do your friends think I’m THAT easy that making eye contact with me or engaging in small talk is going to seduce me? Secondly, WHO HURT HIM?!

Please help me out here Dads…MEN 😂 Shine some light on this insanity. I’m still going with he just hates me until proven otherwise which is fine- his feelings are valid and he’s entitled to them and I’m not going to like discourage my husband from hanging out I’m just not sure why as I’m usually with the kids and not even around them anyway but whatevs 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣

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