The apps aren't apping… I don't care to go to the clubs or bars… Where are the good men at?! No one wants to date to marry? Fuck these half assed situationships. This is breaking my fucking heart.

  1. Drive to Newport on the Levee in Kentucky, just across the river from Downtown Cincinnati next Saturday afternoon. We’ll walk around and get to know each other. I’ll be wearing a gray t-shirt and cargo shorts. See you then! 🙃

  2. Yeah, I don’t know why all the men on these apps are terrified of being labeled “boyfriends”. It’s so silly to me. It’s not like it even really means anything. It’s just a commitment not to fuck around, which, let’s be honest, none of these guys are getting laid anyway.

  3. Judging by the requirements everyone wants, I don’t think there are any good men. You might be looking forever.

  4. Adjust your location and/or preferences if you find some aren’t giving you what you want.

  5. Just out of curiosity. When y’all say “I just want a boyfriend,” is that interchangeable with “I want to meet someone great?”

    I was debating this with a friend, and she was saying that they’re the same thing, but I think they’re different.

    I think “I just want a boyfriend” is more like saying you just want a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship/you don’t want to be single and that’s more about you wanting something to relieve loneliness and/or boredom. Whereas saying “I want to meet someone great” is saying that you just want someone in your life that is great in whatever capacity that may be – friend, partner, acquaintance, book club bestie, whatever – just someone in your life that is a great person to have.

  6. right?? and what the hell is up with this “moral non-monogamy”?? I’m grateful they’re nice enough to disclose they’re in a marriage but WTF? Do people not date to marry?

  7. I’d rather wait for a nice Cabernet than settle for sour grapes.

    Being uncompromising on this principle will see me alone until I die I guess. 🤣

  8. ikr. mine is completely opposite gender but same as your problem. i wanna date so bad like a hug or just a good laugh talk with someone can heal me at this point.

  9. Same from the male side of things. Found a girl I thought was the one I wanted to commit to, and it turns out she was an avoidant and disappeared on me. Good times.

  10. Sitting at home working remotely, going to a few social outlets with friends and the gym.

    Be the change you wish to see in the world ✨ ask a guy out that piques your interest IRL, not the other way around.

    I’m know guys lie but genuinely try to determine if they’re looking for a long term relationship by communicating right them

  11. It’s tough when finding someone serious feels like an uphill battle in today’s dating world.

  12. Ugh, same here! I’m so over the whole situationship thing. I want someone who’s ready for a real commitment too. It’s exhausting.

  13. Apps won’t work, that’s how I think. They aren’t even looking for a relationship, they’re just looking for one stand night…

  14. I mean, I’ll write something out on a piece of paper saying we’re together till death, but there is zero meaning to it.

  15. So as always with these threads that have far too little info to go on, I have to ask, what do you look like and what kind of guys are you swiping on? Because 99.9999999% of the time, if a woman can’t find a guy who treats her well it’s because she is more concerned about physical attraction than anything else, and what she’s physically attracted to is several leagues above her own or any other narrowing down of the pool based on superficial, vain, and petty things with the justification of “Well, we all have our type”. Well, what you’re doing, whatever it is, is obviously not working, so instead of bellyaching about “wHeRe aRe tHe gOoD mEn?!?!” take a look at yourself and realize that all the good men are probably the ones you swipe left on.

  16. We’re wondering where all the good women are. While all the assholes be getting laid every damn night I’m over just trying to find someone who’s actually into me.

  17. Be more ballsy in your life! Talk to strangers at the grocery store, have more friend get together like hosting them, you never know if your friends cousin boyfriends friend is your person. So hang out in your circles and extend them. Try new things! Don’t be afraid take a dance class, try rock climbing gym, go on, take a cooking class. Literally do it all

  18. Try to put yourself out there and meet someone irl. I’ve always had the best luck when I deleted the apps and put myself out there.

  19. I met my diamond in the rough on tinder. Two years later I still get baffled just thinking about it. Keep digging.

    As for the situationships thing, all I can say is have those awkward relationship talks early. Someone who can’t or thinks it’s weird is the weird one and not the one for you. That’s being intentional not being pushy.

  20. Me personally don’t have my shit together. Mental ready for a relationship for sure but physically and financially not at all

  21. The men who are able to date to marry are not out here trying to meet random girls. They know the value they bring. Try to learn to be friends with guys first and expand your social circle, and when you meet one of them make your move.

  22. Met mine on Omegle; last place I thought I would find love lol, but here I am, 2 years. Hang in there, it will happen and probably at the most unexpected of times and places.

  23. After reading your posts and comments OP I honestly don’t think that you are ready to be in a relationship with anyone right now. It feels like having a boyfriend is the be-all and end all for you, and if you stay in that mindset, it is only going to hurt you in the long run. I think you need to work on loving yourself as a person before you even think about letting someone into your life in any kind of romantic capacity.

  24. The same struggle is there for men too, I have had so many bad dating experiences, I am a good man, I’m not a 10 but I’m a solid 7 and I have had girls tell me I check all the boxes and tell me this is too good to be true, and end up self sabotaging the whole thing. I was with a girl for 4 months recently and she found every excuse possible as to why it wasn’t working when in reality it actually was. I keep trying though. The right one is out there for you, just have to pick up on the red flags early

  25. Trust that you’re asking a very very popular question. That’s all I got 😓

    It gets worse with guys 45-56 btw. You’d think those guys understand they’re getting old, and their dicks get increasingly useless with passing years, so find a woman for a few years, Right? NOPE! They be just like the 20-30 yo Fboys thinking they got all the time and viagra in the world 🤨🤬

  26. I hope all of you find love out there. I truly believe there’s someone out there thinking the same thing you just haven’t found each other yet. Until then,live a good life, have lots of fun. Don’t let it get you down. You have to stay positive and know that the perfect relationship you’re looking for is right around the corner so enjoy your single life because soon you will be married with children who are all grown up. And looking back it all happened in the blink of an eye.
    Good luck hope all your dreams come true.

  27. Why would anyone marry? What problem does marriage solve? Marriage is a contract with the government and ensures it has a say in the division of assets and upon divorce or death. All that can be handled by attorneys without getting married or going to court.

  28. In my experience, one tends to get out of life what one puts into it. I.E. If one spends an hour a day practicing piano for 10 years, one is probably going to be pretty decent at it. This, as opposed to one who watched 3 youtube tutorials and gives up after 2 months.

    And so it is with meeting people. If you want to be loved, be lovable. That means being reasonably stable, taking care of oneself, being friendly and engaging. All that stuff a person wants in a partner, one should have those qualities too. Not a precise mirror, you don’t want to date your clone, but just overall being the person you would want to date. This takes effort.

    Secondly (and this one is harder), a person needs to get out of their comfort zone. That doesn’t necessarily mean bungee jumping or walking in the wrong part of town at 2am, but it does mean being more social, more outgoing, more inquisitive (friends and coworkers very often know single people) and more open minded.

    6 foot, 6 pack, 6 figure income is just not going to happen for the vast majority of people. That doesn’t mean to date goblins, but it does mean one should focus on the more important details like family, long term outlook on life and so on. All the while not being too pushy or desperate. If there is one thing guys hate, it’s being pushed too quickly into something very serious. It should come naturally, with time.

    Apps are garbage for a variety of reasons, but people are absolutely terrified of talking to people in real life for fear of offending, being rejected, being “me tooed” (for no good reason), and this is an attitude people need to break from. A little extra fortitude and a willingness to pick up the pieces when it doesn’t work (and it often won’t, no one bats 1000) and to try again.

  29. Haha. I used just want a girlfriend. Now I want no one and they’re coming at me out the woodwork. Wtf?

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